Michael Julius

Do you support or denounce

(an) America-first Agenda? Americans for Prosperity? Accelerated Christian Education? (the) Defense of Tradition, Family and Property? Winning the Future? Freedom? Battling Communism? (the) Truth about Homosexuality? Virtue? Principles? Cornerstone Policy? Agenda(s)? Opportunity? Equal Opportunity? Individual Freedom? National Interest? Facts? Checks and Balances? Self-Governance? Christian Civic League(s)? Defeat(ing) the President? Concerned Women? Reduce(d) Spending? Cooler Heads? Biblical Manhood and Womanhood? Courageous Conservatives? Abiding Truth? Job Creators? Public Affairs? (the) School of Law? Eagle(s)? Faith and Freedom? Firearms? (the) American Experiment? Moral Law? (the) Business Roundtable? Gun Owners? (the) Empire Center? Heritage? (the) Committee for the Free World? Churchmen? Restriction League(s)? Manufacturers? A Sound Economy? Legal Foundation(s)? Liberty? Empower(ed) Texans? Liberty? Medicine in the Public Interest? Liberty? Liberty? Love Won (Winning) Out? Freedom? MassResistance? Mission: America? (the) Moral Majority? Freedom? (the) Preservation of American Ideals? Gun Rights? (the) Bible Curriculum? (the) Prayer Task Force? (the) Organization for Marriage? (the) Right to Work? Christendom? Paleoconservatives(?) Marble Freedom? Public Interest? (the) Rule of Law? Our Alienated Rights? Sanity in Art? Tax Revolt(s)? Vision? Operation Save America? Law and Liberty? Turning Point(s)? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom? Freedom?

#and such #everything is fine #illegitimate questions #most right