Michael Julius

Why I kept the Snoopy watchface on my soul destroying high tech gadget

  1. The watch fairly brims with nostalgia such that you know where I am going with this.

  2. I've been surveying the graphics closely to assess for deviance and wrongdoing. I'm more vigilant now.

  3. The humor and joy that pervades the animations are a soothing rebuttal to the droning horror of civilization.

  4. The anticipation that Snoopy might best or be bested fills me with invigorated anticipation, laced with worry.

  5. Staring into the watch has rescued me from at least one unpleasant interaction with disappointing meat puppets.

  6. I'm looking at it while I'm on hold, waiting for a human agent at my cellphone provider. See also #3. Please disregard #5.

  7. I'm low-level comforted by the cartoon dog living on my arm. It's not much but there's no one else here.

#poems #sometimes the territory is the map